1) Swim-swam-swum
2) I would like to be a doctort. My salary will depend on the place where I will be working either it will private or public clinic, and what city. ( Спрашивается кем ты хочешь работать в будущем и сколько ты будешь зарабатывать. Пример к ответу: Я хочу быть врачом. Моя зарплата будет зависить от места, где я буду работать, иной это будет частная или государственная клиника и какой город.)
3)Aigul was preparing lunch when we came home.
5) I had dinner with my family then I was doing the homework. (Спрашивается что ты делал\а вчера в 7 вечера. ответ: У меня был ужин с семьей затем я делала домашние задание.)
6) Nursultan played on a basketball team when he was a kid. (Нурсултан играл в баскетбольной команде, когда он был ребенком)
7) Aizada did not make breakfast for the whole family this morning. ( в негативной форме Аизада не приготовила завтрак для всей семьи этим утром)
8) Will be there robots in every house? ( Будут ли там роботы в каждом доме?)
10) Alia finally told us the whole story about Bakyt. (Алия наконец-то рассказала нам всю историю про Бакит )
a. fed
b. driven
c. taught
d. dug
13) Look! My turtle is eating lunch. ( Смотри! Моя черепаха ест обед)
14) Will you go out tonight? ( Ты пойдешь гулять сегодня вечером?)
15) I haven't seen any good films lately.
I am going to tell you about my school. My school is new and modern and I like it very much. It has three floors. The classrooms are light and spacious. There are classrooms for different subjects, such as English, History, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Geography, Biology Literature etc.
There is a computer class in our school. We study computer science here. The computer class has the most modern equipment and the Internet access.
We’ve also an assembly hall, which is situated on the second floor. Meetings, conferences, concerts and all the celebrations take place here. We prepare different performances for all holidays. We sing songs, recite poetry, dance, and participate in theatre performances.
There are many opportunities to go in for sports in our school. Our school has a gym, a sports ground, a football field, a swimming pool, and other sports facilities. There are many different sports groups: table tennis, swimming, athletics, football, volleyball, wrestling, and rhythmic gymnastics. Many pupils of our school attend these sports groups.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Английский язык тест.всё, кроме 4 , 9 , 12 , 16 , 21 , 32
1 swim - swam - swum
2 I'd like to be a singer. I hope I will earn much.
3 was preparingm came
4 +
5 I was watching TV at 7 o'clock yesterday.
6 when
7 Aizada didn't make breakfast for the whole family this morning.
8 Will there be robots on every house ?
9 +
10 told
11 feed - fed, fed
drive - drove, driven
teach - taught, taught
dig - dug, dug
12 +
13 is eating
14 Will you go out tonight?
15 haven't seen
16 +
17 is
18 ... was Nurlan doing when you knocked ...
19 I'm going to visit my grandparents.
I'm going to go to the countryside.