
Вставьте предлоги Some people have a defective immune system and are accordingly much more suspectible … infection. Such individuals are said to be immuno – compromised and one … the most important examples is the destruction … the body’s defense mechanism by the AIDS virus, resulting … death from an inability to resist infection. Other immuno – compromised patients may be those suffering … leukemia, kidney failure and diabetes; and those taking drugs which suppress immunity; for example, cytotoxics, used … the treatment of cancer, and drugs used to prevent rejection … transplants

Английский язык




Some people have a defective immune system and are therefore much more suspicious of the infections. It is believed that such people have compromised immunity, and one of the most important examples is the destruction of the body's defense mechanism by the AIDS virus, leading to death from inability to resist infection. Other immunocompromised patients may be those who suffer to leukemia, kidney failure, and diabetes; and those who take drugs that suppress the immune system; for example, cytotoxic drugs used a for the treatment of cancer, and drugs used to prevent rejection on transplants

Yelena Dilyara

Some people have a defective immune system and are therefore much more suspicious of the infections. It is believed that such people have compromised immunity, and one of the most important examples is the destruction of the body's defense mechanism by the AIDS virus, leading to death from inability to resist infection. Other immunocompromised patients may be those who suffer to leukemia, kidney failure, and diabetes; and those who take drugs that suppress the immune system; for example, cytotoxic drugs used a for the treatment of cancer, and drugs used to prevent rejection on transplants

Thames (English Thames [tɛmz], Latin Tamesis..) - A river in the south of the UK. Length - 334 km, the basin area - 15.3 thousand km².. It rises on a hill Cotswolds, takes place in the precincts of London, runs into the North Sea, forming an estuary. The width of the river within the boundaries of London 200-250 m, width of the estuary from 650 m (near the eastern edge of London) to 16 km (near the mouth). Nutrition rain. The average consumption of water in the lower reaches of 260 m³ / s, the maximum - in winter. Freeze-up occurs only in very cold winters. The lower reaches of the Thames is influenced by tides (their height is in London to 6-6.5 m), which reach Teddington (where mainstream Thames dammed). To protect the areas adjacent to the Thames flood the shore of the lower reaches of the river and estuary reinforced protective dykes, and in the cities - embankments. Navigable almost all along; small barges reach Lechlade city (311 km from the mouth). London is raises vessels of up to 800 tons, and ocean-going vessels reach the town of Tilbury. On the River Thames - UK capital city of London, Oxford, Reading. Thames connected to the old TV (Oxford Canal and others.) From the Bristol Channel, the Irish Sea and the industrial areas of the central part of the country. On the Thames regularly held Henley Royal Regatta. Перевод: Те́мза (англ. Thames [ˈtɛmz], лат. Tamesis) — река на юге Великобритании. Длина — 334 км, площадь бассейна — 15,3 тыс. км². Берёт начало на возвышенности Котсуолд-Хилс, протекает в черте Лондона, впадает в Северное море, образуя эстуарий. Ширина реки в черте Лондона 200—250 м, ширина эстуария от 650 м (близ восточной окраины Лондона) до 16 км (близ устья). Питание дождевое. Средний расход воды в низовьях 260 м³/с, максимальный — зимой. Ледостав наблюдается лишь в очень холодные зимы. Нижнее течение Темзы подвержено влиянию приливов (их высота в Лондоне до 6—6,5 м), которые достигают Теддингтона (где русло Темзы перегорожено плотиной). Для защиты прилегающих к Темзе территорий от наводнений берега нижнего течения реки и эстуария укреплены защитными дамбами, а в городах — набережными. Судоходна почти на всём протяжении; небольшие баржи доходят до города Лечлейд (311 км от устья). До Лондона поднимаются суда водоизмещением до 800 т, а океанские суда доходят до города Тилбери. На Темзе — столица Великобритании город Лондон, города Оксфорд, Рединг. Темза соединена старыми каналами (Оксфордский канал и др.) с Бристольским заливом, Ирландским морем и промышленными районами центральной части страны. На Темзе регулярно проводится Королевская регата Хенли.
Ща переведем... Ray Breadburry's roman is called "451 digrees F" because on this temperature paper fires, we are also told about burning books,about person who hated books very much...But he had changed and started adorring them.Ray Breadburry first of all says, that he is thet Guy Monteg and wants us to watch the storry. He created the country where keeping and reading books were illigal. The aughtor shows us the stupidness and other problems of today's person. lots of talk shows, drunk teens,loug phone music and modern mashines etc. Important part is taken by Gouverment, they play with people like with dalls and make the society dumb. That is why we need to be interested in history, politics and the world. This is the reason, why gouverment becides to burn all the books.Eventually people become totally stupid it is even hard to call them people. They live in the TV demention. This problem is still popular now. And although men don't burn the books now, they often forget about them, they live in the HiFi and hightech world, thinking about nothing. They are living without thinking about real world.. Their life is a day.

Извини, могла ошибиться в написании пару раз... думаю сойдет)))

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Вставьте предлоги Some people have a defective immune system and are accordingly much more suspectible … infection. Such individuals are said to be immuno – compromised and one … the most important examples is the destruction … the body’s defense mechanism by the AIDS virus, resulting … death from an inability to resist infection. Other immuno – compromised patients may be those suffering … leukemia, kidney failure and diabetes; and those taking drugs which suppress immunity; for example, cytotoxics, used … the treatment of cancer, and drugs used to prevent rejection … transplants
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