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Homework Write an e-mail to Aziz. Write aboutyour summer holidays. You can usethe questions as a рlаn. Напишитеэлектронное письмо Азизу. Напишитеосвоих летних каникулах. Вы можетеиспользовать следующие вопросы вкачестве плана.1 Where did you go?2 Who did you go with?3 What was the place like?4 What was the weather like?5 What did you do there?6 Did you like your summer holidays? Why? Why not?
I went to Surkhandarya.We went with my parents and had a great time.We were still in the big mountains.Me and my friends ate and swam in the sea. Yes, I enjoyed the summer holidays.Because I had a good time!