
Homework Write an e-mail to Aziz. Write aboutyour summer holidays. You can usethe questions as a рlаn. Напишитеэлектронное письмо Азизу. Напишитеосвоих летних каникулах. Вы можетеиспользовать следующие вопросы вкачестве плана.1 Where did you go?2 Who did you go with?3 What was the place like?4 What was the weather like?5 What did you do there?6 Did you like your summer holidays? Why? Why not?​

Английский язык



I went to Surkhandarya.We went with my parents and had a great time.We were still in the big mountains.Me and my friends ate and swam in the sea. Yes, I enjoyed the summer holidays.Because I had a good time!



With the statistics that are given in the text, I will agree.
Firstly, in our time the Internet has a huge demand and young people aged 16 to 24 prefer the Internet in quality. Example: the source of information, communication with friends and recreation (games, movies, etc.).
I know for myself.
Secondly, the text spoke about security and personal information. A person shares and leaves information about himself without fear, not everyone reads license agreements and a statement of confidentiality. We strongly believe in the security of the Internet, why would anyone hack into our mail or an account on facebook, so people often use the same passwords and are very risky!

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that the Internet is a whole universe that will never die and will develop and improve. Of course, the Internet has made our life faster and easier, but do not forget about its black side.
With statistics which struck in the text, I would argue.First, in our time, the Internet has a huge demand and young people aged 16 to 24 years prefer online as. Example: source of information, communication with friends and rest (games, movies, etc.).You know, for yourself.Secondly, the text referred to security and personal information. A person shares and leaves information about himself without fear, not everyone reads the license agreements and privacy statement. We so strongly believe in the security of the Internet, why should someone hack into our email account or Facebook, so people often use the same password to Paris!
In conclusion, I would like to remind you that the Internet is an entire universe that will never die and will develop and improve. Of course the Internet has made our lives faster and easier, but do not forget about its black side.

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Homework Write an e-mail to Aziz. Write aboutyour summer holidays. You can usethe questions as a рlаn. Напишитеэлектронное письмо Азизу. Напишитеосвоих летних каникулах. Вы можетеиспользовать следующие вопросы вкачестве плана.1 Where did you go?2 Who did you go with?3 What was the place like?4 What was the weather like?5 What did you do there?6 Did you like your summer holidays? Why? Why not?​
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