Москва является столицей Российской Федерации и административным центром Московской области, также является крупнейшим городом России с населением более 12 миллионов человек. Москва расположена на Москве-реке в европейской части страны. Большинство историков согласны с тем, что эта река дала название городу. Московский метрополитен считается одной из красивейших подземных систем в мире. Действительно, многие станции имеют красивые стены на стенах.
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Moscow is the capital of the Russian Federation and the administrative center of the Moscow region, it is also the largest Russian city with over 12 million residents. Moscow is located on the Moskva River in the European part of the country. Most historians agree that this river gave its name to the city. The Moscow Metro is considered to be one of the most beautiful underground systems in the world. Indeed, many of the stations have beautiful murals on the walls.
Hotter- the hottest longer- the longest shorter- the shortest cleverer- the cleverest more comfortable- the most comfotable sillier, the silliest thiner-the thinest better- the best fatter-the fattest nicer-the nicest warmer-the warmest colder-the coldest smaller-the smallest taller-the tallest weaker - the weakes more interesting- the most interesting stronger-the strongest lighter- the lightest drier- the driest bad- worse-the worst cleaner- the cleanest dirtier- the dirtiest more beautiful- the most beautiful deeper- the deepest braver-the bravest funnier- the funniest uglier-the ugliest
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Moscow is the capital of the Russian Federation and the administrative center of the Moscow region, it is also the largest Russian city with over 12 million residents. Moscow is located on the Moskva River in the European part of the country. Most historians agree that this river gave its name to the city. The Moscow Metro is considered to be one of the most beautiful underground systems in the world. Indeed, many of the stations have beautiful murals on the walls.