
Сочинение по плану Be sure to ... follow this plan: ► give details about you and your family (paragraph 1) > talk about what you like and dislike (paragraph 2) > say how someone can contact you and what you can do together (paragraph 3) use a variety of words for likes and dislikes use some linking words to link write 100–140 words your ideas

Английский язык




Hi im (имя) in my family 7 people mum dad and me , i love my family i have 2 sisters and 2 brothers. And we have hamster .

I like to swim and drawing animals, i dont like read books and lie.

My friends can call me , and write email for me.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island is situated on the British Isles not far from Europe. It consists of the island of Great Britain, the north-eastern part of Ireland and a great number of small islands. Such as: the Orkney, the Hebrides, the Isle of White and many others.

If you look at the map of Europe you will see that Great Britain is not large. It takes 6 hours to travel in a fast train, from London, the capital of England, to Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland. And the June from London to Plymouth takes a little over 4 hours by train.

There are 4 part of Great Britain England, the capital is London, Scotland the capital is Edinburgh, Wales the capital is Cardiff and Northern Island the capital is Belfast. Great Britain lies not far from continent. It is separated from Europe by the North Sea and England Channel. The channel in it's narrowest part The Strait of Dover is only 32 kilometers.

Great Britain has a very good geographical position, as it lies on the crossways of the sea routes from Europe to other parts of the World.

The sea connects Britain with most European countries such as: Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Norway, Russia and some other countries. The main sea route from Europe to America also passed thought the channel.British climate is mild and damp. It often rains frogs are quit frequent especially in the West and south-west. The Gulf Stream a warm ocean current warms to seas around the British coast moderating the climate, giving it cold Summers mild winters. The temperature in winter seldom falls below zero and the field and meadow are green all year round.
Captain[ʹкэптин] James[джэймз] Cook[ʹкук] was[воз] born[бо:н] in[ин] Yorkshire[ʹйо:кш(и)э], England[ʹинглэнд]. 
At[эт] the[зэ] age[эйдж] of[ов] 17, he[хи:] started working[ʹвё:кинг] on[он] a[э,(эй)] ship[шип]. During[ʹдйуэринг]his[хиз] time[тайм] on[он] the[зэ] ship[шип],he[хи:] began[биʹгэн] to[ту:] study[ʹстади] different[ʹдиф(э)рэнт]subjects[МН.Ч.].
In[ин] 1768 was[воз] his[хиз] first[фё:ст] trip[трип] around[эʹраунд] the[зэ] world[вё:лд].
Cook's [Сущ.Пр.П.] second[ʹсэкэнд] trip[трип] was[воз] in[ин] 1772. It[ит] lasted for[фо:] four[фо:]years[МН.Ч.].
James[джэймз] Cook[ʹкук] was[воз] a[э,(эй)] great[грэйт] explorer[икʹспло:рэ] .For[фо:] 12 years[МН.Ч.] he[хи:]sailed around[эʹраунд] the[зэ] Pacific[пэʹсифик] Ocean[ʹэуш(э)н], New[нью:] Zealand[ʹзи:лэнд] and[энд]Australia[о:ʹстрэйлиэ]. He[хи:] made[мэйд] the[зэ] most[мэуст] complete[кэмʹпли:т] maps[МН.Ч.] of[ов] the[зэ]area[ʹэ(э)риэ] for[фо:] that[зэт] time[тайм]. He[хи:] changed people's [Сущ.Пр.П.]understanding[͵андэʹстэндинг] of[ов] geography[джиʹогрэфи]. His[хиз] work[вё:к] was[воз] very[ʹвэри]important[имʹпо:т(э)нт] and[энд] useful[ʹью:сф(э)л] for[фо:] people[ʹпи:п(э)л] from[фром] all[о:л] over[ʹэувэ]the[зэ] world[вё:лд].

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Сочинение по плану Be sure to ... follow this plan: ► give details about you and your family (paragraph 1) > talk about what you like and dislike (paragraph 2) > say how someone can contact you and what you can do together (paragraph 3) use a variety of words for likes and dislikes use some linking words to link write 100–140 words your ideas
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