
по Англисскому поставить слова в время Try, plan, work, hurry, carry, rob, fry, live, stay

Английский язык



Planed, worked, harried, carried, robed, fried, lived


Но это не точно)


tried, planned, worked, hurried, carried, robbed, fried, lived, stayed.


1. A house is also house to insects.

2. There's a spider in its web.

3. These are his favourite jeans.

4. Cockroaches have their living place behind the fridge.

5. He's at home alone.

6. Keep your house clean and tidy.

7. Ants and spiders are creepy crawlies.

8. There's a scorpion in the corner of the room.

1. Дом также является домом для насекомых.

2. Там паук в своей сети.

3. Это его любимые джинсы.

4. Место обитания тараканов – за холодильником.

5. Он дома один.

6. Держите свой дом в чистоте и порядке.

7. Муравьи и пауки – жуткие ползучие существа.

8. В углу комнаты скорпион.

1 -- 3
2 -- 2
3 -- 4
4 -- 1
5 -- Mary is playing the piano very well, isn't she?
6 -- He was listening to the concert on TV at 7 p.m., wasn't he?
7 -- Have you been to Paris?
8 -- By six o’clock yesterday you had done your homework and at six you were  watching a videofilm.
 9 -- (By 1 o’clock the girl had come home and at two she was having dinner.)
или:  By 4 o'clock the girl came home and at two she was having dinner.
10 --My parents came home by six o’clock.
11 -- The police will have arrested the thief by the next morning.
12 -- If they can do it then they will have fulfilled their mission.

Задание 2

Вставьте соответствующие предлоги:
1. There was a big pot _of_ water at the top _of_ the stove.
2. She spoke English _with_ a French accent.
3. The teacher was pleased _with__ our work.
4. Put these flowers _on_the window-sill.

Задание 3.
1. Dan is in Britain now and he is writing a letter about his holidays.
2. Sam’s future depends on his parents.
3. Now tourists are taking part in a band festival.
4. We have three English lessons a week.
5. You can borrow my umbrella. I don't need it at the moment.
Составьте вопросительное предложение PastSimple из данных слов:
6. When did you last travel by train?
Вставьтеслова will / to be going to.
7. – This room is very hot. – You are right. I will open the window.
8. I am going to move to the country. 
9. My parents are working now.
10. I heard him shouting something from the opposite shore. 
Я слышал, как он кричал что-то с противоположного берега.
Раскройте скобки, употребив ParticipleI. Переведите предложение.
11. She entered the room smiling
Она вошла в комнату улыбаясь. 
12. I wonder if that terrible wind will be blowing tomorrow.” – “Oh, yes. The weather forecast says it will be blowing for another two weeks.

Задание 4. 
Употребите следующие предложения в PastProgressive, уточняя действие наречиями. Образец: I went to the cinema yesterday. – I was going to the cinema yesterday at 3.
1. They watched a good film.
 - They were watching a good film yesterday at 7 p.m.
Поставьте вопросы, на которые нижеследующие предложения могут быть ответами. 
Were you passing the British Museum  yesterday at 5 p.m.
2. Yes, we were passing the British Museum  yesterday at 5 p.m.
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Indefinite или Past Continuous.
3. He was playing computer games from 2 till 3 yesterday. 
4. We were playing computer games the whole evening yesterday. 
Употребите Present Perfect.
5. They had known each other since 2013.
6. I have read a lot of Russian books. 
7. They have already/just finished their breakfast.
8. Our children haven’t been at school for a week.
В каждом из следующих предложений допущена ошибка. Исправьте ее и напишите правильный вариант.
9. Now they are playing tennis. 
10. We were listening to the concert yesterday at 4 p. m. 
11. We have known each other for many year. He is my best friend. 
12. He goes to the library every week.

Задание 5.
1. We hope they will have told her the news by the time they come. 
2. She`ll be able to come.
    Она сможет придти.
3. I needn`t walk, there is a bus going there.
    Мне не надо идти пешком, туда ходит автобус.
4. You didn’t thank your grandmother for the lovely gift.
    You ought to have thanked your grandmother for the lovely gift.
5) The notice says that club members mustn't use the pool unattended.
6) You may drive for a year in Britain with an international licence.
7. My grandmother loved music. She could play the piano very well.
Вставьте подходящий модальный глагол или модальный оборот mustn’t or don’t / doesn’t have to.
8. You mustn't forget what I told you. It’s very important!

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