
Task 2 Rewrite the sentences using the connector given in brackets. Clouse of reason . 1 Paul was an hour late. He missed the train. (because) 2 I borrowed your lawn mower. You weren’t using it. (as) 3 We had no electricity during the storm. We had to use candles. (so) 4 He needed a good mark. He studied hard for the test. (Since) 5.The air in the town is much cleaner. That they have banned carsnow

Английский язык



1 Paul was an hour late. Because he missed the train

2 O borrowed your lawn mower. As You weren't using it

3 We had no electricity during the storm. So we had to use candle

4 He needed a good mark. Since he studied hard for the

5 The air in the town is much cleaner now. That they have banned cars

From early childhood robinson more than anything, loved the sea, dreaming of distant voyages. the boy's parents didn't like it because they wanted a more peaceful happy life for his son. father wanted him to become an important official. however, the desire for adventure was stronger, so robinson, who at that time was eighteen years old, without asking permission from the parents, along with a friend got on the boat sent from hull to london.on the first day the ship was caught in a violent storm. robinson was sick and scared from strong pitching. a passing ship threw them a lifeboat and in the evening they managed to escape.robinson was ashamed to come home, so he decided to go swimming.in london, robinson became acquainted with the venerable old captain. a new friend offered to crusoe to go with him to guinea. during the trip the captain was teaching robinson the ship thing that is very useful hero in the future. in guinea crusoe succeeded brought to barter trinkets for gold dust.after the death of captain robinson again went to africa. this time the journey was less fortunate on the way their ship was attacked by pirates – the turks of saleh. robinson captured the robber to the captain of the ship, where he stayed for almost three years. finally he had the chance to run.robinson was on his way to green cape, hoping to meet the european ship.after many days of sailing, robinson had to go ashore and ask the savages of food. the man thanked them that i killed from the gun of a leopard. the savages gave him the animal's skin.soon the voyagers met a portuguese ship. on it robinson arrived in brazil.but he soon came to the island. 2  twenty-eight years, two months and nineteen days." robinson soon returned us home. by the time his parents died, the house he was met by a sister with children and other relatives. all with a great interest listened to the incredible story of robinson, which he spoke from morning until evening. conclusionthe novel d. defoe "the adventures of robinson crusoe" has had an enormous influence on world literature, initiating a literary genre – "robinson crusoe" (adventure works, describing the life of people in the uninhabited lands). the novel became a real discovery in the culture of the enlightenment. the book defoe was translated into many languages, filmed more than twenty times. here is a brief retelling of the "robinson crusoe" chapter will be useful to students and anyone who wants to read the story of the famous works.
Великий Гэтсби.  Родившийся в  Северной Дакоте, сын бедных фермеров однажды  попал на борт роскошной яхты, великолепие которой так поразило воображение фермерского сына, что он поклялся себе стать таким же богатым, как владелец яхты. Вторым судьбоносным событием его юности стало увлечение молодой аристократкой Дэзи. Внушив себе любовь к прекрасной даме, он решил посвятить свою жизнь обретению богатства, мирской славы и сердца Дэзи. Джеймс Гэтц решил  выдумать Джея Гэтсби преуспевающего бизнесмена с якобы оксфордским образованием. Гэтсби приезжает в Нью-Йорк, там его поклонение богатству быстро приносит успех, выражением которого становится вилла-дворец в престижном районе Лонг-Айленда и чуть не ежедневно устраиваемые им роскошные вечеринки для местных знаменитостей. Наивно мечтая стать легендой, он напускает на себя таинственность. Не случайно многие знакомые Гэтсби распускают о нем сплетни, будто он — «немецкий шпион», «богатый наследник» или беглый убийца. Все эти широкие жесты эксцентричного богача преследуют одну цель — привлечь к себе внимание Дэзи. Трагедия жизни Гэтсби состоит в том, что он оказался чужд тому классу, к которому он мечтал и пытался приобщиться. Он обречен на одиночество. Он был одинок в жизни, когда, покинутый своими гостями, стоял вечерами на берегу и тоскливо всматривался в далекий зеленый огонек у дома Дэзи. И так же одинок он оказался после смерти: никто из бесчисленных приятелей и знакомых — в том числе и его любовь — не пришел проводить его в последний путь. Образ «великого Гэтсби» нарисован с искренней симпатией, но в то же время с долей иронии. Гэтсби,— американский «герой нашего времени», так называемого «века джаза», легкомысленной, веселой, но недолгой поры послевоенного процветания Америки.  Гэтсби олицетворяет мечтательный идеализм бедных провинциалов и неминуемый крах их мечтаний после.

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Task 2 Rewrite the sentences using the connector given in brackets. Clouse of reason . 1 Paul was an hour late. He missed the train. (because) 2 I borrowed your lawn mower. You weren’t using it. (as) 3 We had no electricity during the storm. We had to use candles. (so) 4 He needed a good mark. He studied hard for the test. (Since) 5.The air in the town is much cleaner. That they have banned carsnow
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