I certainly do not mind knowledge because we still need it.But this is too much.After all, children and teenagers are not robots.They have their own issues.If you remove the duration of the holidays, children will not learn further and will be abandoned.Therefore, it is disrespectful for them to take away their well-deserved time off from children and teenagers.
Перевод:Я конечно не против знаний т.к оно все же нам нужно.Но,это уже слишком.Ведь дети и подростки не роботы.У них есть свои дела,проблемы.Если уберут продолжительность каникул,дети не станут учиться дальше и забросять.Поэтому,с их сторон это неуважительно отнимать у детей и подростков свое заслуженные выходные.
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Juicy, decorations, programmes, happiness, called organize, widely, decorate, decorated, books.Before New Year's Day, in Uzbekistan, people prepare for the holiday Theon a New Year tree at home, they also (2)streets and houses with colourful lights and balloons The main heroes of theNew Year are Father Frost and Snow Girl, who are (3)as Korbobo and KorkizAt midnight on December 31, when the clock strikes 12. the besta party, the main dish of which is a watermelon If the watermelonssweet and (5)then the whole year will be successful and happy loaddition to a watermelon on the Uzbek New Year's table, there should be a lot of frumsgrapes, persimmons, apples, bananas and orangesUzbekistan's New Year is a really family holiday. At the table relatives andfriends gather together, they talk about the good things of the old year and hope to have(6)in the new yearThis great international holiday comes to every family and, of course, celebrated in cities and round the whole country (7)The capital shines with colourful lights and it is (8)with balloons andbeautiful New Year treesChildren have a lot of entertainment programmes in the circus, theatres, squaresand parks. They can meet their popular heroes from favourite (9)cartoonsLeisure activities for adults are interesting too. Cinemas, cafes, clubs andrestaurants are full of people. Each entertainment place tries to differ from others withits unique show (10)Перевод не нужен ответить
I certainly do not mind knowledge because we still need it.But this is too much.After all, children and teenagers are not robots.They have their own issues.If you remove the duration of the holidays, children will not learn further and will be abandoned.Therefore, it is disrespectful for them to take away their well-deserved time off from children and teenagers.
Перевод:Я конечно не против знаний т.к оно все же нам нужно.Но,это уже слишком.Ведь дети и подростки не роботы.У них есть свои дела,проблемы.Если уберут продолжительность каникул,дети не станут учиться дальше и забросять.Поэтому,с их сторон это неуважительно отнимать у детей и подростков свое заслуженные выходные.