1. I write English exercises twice a week. 2. My friend does his homework in the afternoon as a rule. 3. My sister is doing her homework now. 4. Don't shout! The baby is sleeping. 5. The baby always sleeps after dinner. 6. What are you reading now? 7. What books do you read for your literature lessons? 8. What does your mother usually cook for lunch? 9. Is she cooking a cake now? 10. Do you know that man over there? — Which man? The man in the brown jacket? — No, I am talking about the man who is wearing the blue shirt. — Oh, that man! — Do you know him? — No, I don't think so. — I don't know him either.
The Dillons don’t live at 45 Green Street Does she come home late? We don’t do homework every evening Do they get up early? Does my brother visit our grandmother every Sunday? He doesn’t know these rules. My parents don’t work at this plant. The girl doesn’t play the piano. Our friends don’t like reading. These boys don't play football.
Всё просто: когда подлежащее во множественном числе (например: they, we, friends, boys, parents) и после местоимения I ставим DO/DON'T
Если же в единственном (например: she, he, girl, boy, brother) ставим DOES/DOESN'T
1.Your uncle has got a car
2.You have got a computer
3.We have got a basket
4.Mary has got many friends
В конце должны быть вопросы или предложения?