1. How is your mum? She’s fine, thanks 2. How is your parents? They’re ok 3. How are you? I’m very well, thank you 4. How is your uncle? He’s fine thanks 5. How are your children? They’re ok 6. How are Liz? She’s fine thanks 7. How is your cousin? She’s very well thank you
1. Was 2. Were 3. Was 4. Was 5. Was 6. Were
1. C 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. C
1. Many 2. A lot of 3. Much 4. Many 5. Much 6. A lot of
1. Much money 2. Some money 3. Many tables 4. Few tables 5. Some apples 6. Many apples 7. Many boys 8. Few water 9. Some minutes 10. Many cats
2. How is your parents? They’re ok
3. How are you? I’m very well, thank you
4. How is your uncle? He’s fine thanks
5. How are your children? They’re ok
6. How are Liz? She’s fine thanks
7. How is your cousin? She’s very well thank you
1. Was
2. Were
3. Was
4. Was
5. Was
6. Were
1. C
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. A
6. B
7. C
1. Many
2. A lot of
3. Much
4. Many
5. Much
6. A lot of
1. Much money
2. Some money
3. Many tables
4. Few tables
5. Some apples
6. Many apples
7. Many boys
8. Few water
9. Some minutes
10. Many cats
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