
Task 2: choose the question and be ready to answer it after the teacher starts the conversation. you should add your ideas to the class discussion. teacher organizes a socratic seminar which helps teacher to assess learners while they are speaking on the topic “clothes and fashion” . learners are sitting in a circle and answering the question which teacher prepared and cut down beforehand. these are some rules to this task: 1. ask questions if you do not understand what someone has said 2. you do not need to raise your hands to speak. 3. pay attention to your “airtime”. 4. don’t interrupt. 5. don’t put down the ideas of another learner. example: what kinds of clothes are in fashion now? learner’s possible answer: i am not a modern person and i do not trace fashion and clothes. i think my personal style is casual. assessment sheet give 1 point for each right answer. criteria yes no learner uses at least 5 words on ‘clothes and fashion’ topic. learner gives a full answer to the question from the card. learner’s speech is understandable. learner asks at least 2 questions. learner answers at least 2 peers’ questions. total: how much money do you spend on clothes? have you ever worn clothes from elder brothers or sisters? have you ever bought second-hand clothes? why or why not? do you have any tattoos or piercings? what do you think of them? what is the traditional dress where you live? is it comfortable? do you ever wear it? in what way does your grandmother or grandfather dress differently from you? is there a dress code at school or at work? talk about it. what about going to parties or clubs?

Английский язык


Hi mark, how are you ? the new year's day is coming! how are you going to celebrate it ? i will celebrate it at home with my family. we usually decorate the new year tree and our house. my mother and grandmother make a lot of tasty things and a delicious cake. my sister helps to lay the table and wash the dishes. my father and grandfather make barbecue. it is our favourite dish. new year is one of the most favourite holidays in our family. we spend our free time together and exchange gifts. last year i got a game console and some books. i liked both presents well, i must finish. waiting for an answer! best wishes, antony
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winter holidays are shorter than summer ones. they begin at the end of december and last about two weeks. it is so nice to have a rest from school.

during winter holidays we celebrate the new year’s eve and christmas. there are new year parties for children at schools and theatres. cinemas show children films and cartoons.

it is usually very cold in winter, but frost and snow can’t keep children indoors. it’s so great to go skiing down a hill. boys like to play hockey on the ice. many children go to the skating-rinks to skate. small children play snowballs and make snowmen, or ride on the sledges happily.

when the weather is bad, i stay at home and watch tv. there is always something interesting on during winter holidays. sometimes my friends come to see me and we play computer games or listen to music. there is also more time for reading, drawing, making model planes and other hobbies.

holidays pass quickly and soon it’s time to go to school again.

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Task 2: choose the question and be ready to answer it after the teacher starts the conversation. you should add your ideas to the class discussion. teacher organizes a socratic seminar which helps teacher to assess learners while they are speaking on the topic “clothes and fashion” . learners are sitting in a circle and answering the question which teacher prepared and cut down beforehand. these are some rules to this task: 1. ask questions if you do not understand what someone has said 2. you do not need to raise your hands to speak. 3. pay attention to your “airtime”. 4. don’t interrupt. 5. don’t put down the ideas of another learner. example: what kinds of clothes are in fashion now? learner’s possible answer: i am not a modern person and i do not trace fashion and clothes. i think my personal style is casual. assessment sheet give 1 point for each right answer. criteria yes no learner uses at least 5 words on ‘clothes and fashion’ topic. learner gives a full answer to the question from the card. learner’s speech is understandable. learner asks at least 2 questions. learner answers at least 2 peers’ questions. total: how much money do you spend on clothes? have you ever worn clothes from elder brothers or sisters? have you ever bought second-hand clothes? why or why not? do you have any tattoos or piercings? what do you think of them? what is the traditional dress where you live? is it comfortable? do you ever wear it? in what way does your grandmother or grandfather dress differently from you? is there a dress code at school or at work? talk about it. what about going to parties or clubs?
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