
Зделайте переказ на укр.мове ariau towers hotel. what’s a holiday in the amazon rainforest like? well, come to ariau towers hotel in brazil and find out! the hotel is next to the beautiful rio negro, or “black river”, and it is 60km from manaus, the largest city in theamazon. but it’s not the location that makes the hotel unique. the hotel is 10-20 metres above the rainforest floor. that’s right, it’s a hotel in the trees! the hotel has got eight large wooden towers with rooms for guests and many small tree houses. eight kilometres of bridges join the different areas of the hotel. so, when guests at ariau want breakfast, they don’t go downstairs.they have to leave their rooms and walk along small wooden bridges to the ariau restaurant! so, what can you do high up in the trees in the amazon rainforest? well, like any normal hotel, ariau has got big swimming pools, an internet café and shops. and simply walking around the hotel is like being in a huge zoo! you can watch the colourful parrots and monkeys in the trees of the rainforest. then there are extraordinary activities for guests to try. guests can swim with dolphins, take aboat ride to see alligators or go on a rainforest tour and learn which plants they can use as medicine. at the end of the day, guests can have dinner in one of the hotel’s restaurants and they can try lots of delicious brazilian meals. after dinner is a good time for guests to have a coffee in a tree-top café and watch the wildlife. guests can sit outside, but they have to watch out for the playful monkeys. they like to eat the hotel food too! at ariau towers, the staff want guests to feel welcome and have an amazing experience. experienced staff that speak many different languages also teach guests about the importance of the environment and wildlife. guests at ariau have a great time. they can also learn something if they want, too!

Английский язык




готель ariau towers.

що таке свято в тропічному лісі амазонки? ну, приходьте до аріау

towers hotel в бразилії і дізнайтеся! готель знаходиться поруч з прекрасним

ріо-негро, або «чорна річка», і це 60 км від манауса, найбільшого

місто в амазонці. але готель не є місцем розташування

унікальний. готель розміщений на відстані 10-20 метрів від тропічного лісу. це

право, це готель на деревах! готель має вісім великих дерев'яних

вежі з номерами для гостей і безліччю невеликих будинків з дерева. вісім

кілометрів мостів приєднуються до різних районів готелю. тому, коли

гості готелю ariau хочуть сніданку, вони не йдуть внизу

виїжджайте зі своїх номерів і гуляйте по невеликих дерев'яних мостах до аріау

ресторан! отже, що ви можете робити високо в деревах в амазонці

тропічний ліс? ну, як і будь-який звичайний готель, аріау має велике плавання

басейни, інтернет-кафе та магазини. і просто гуляти по готелю

це як бути у величезному зоопарку! можна дивитися барвисті папуги і

мавп на деревах тропічного лісу. тоді є надзвичайні

заходи для гостей. гості можуть поплавати з дельфінами, взяти на борт

поїздка, щоб побачити алігаторів або поїхати на тур тропічного лісу і дізнатися, які рослини

вони можуть використовувати як ліки. наприкінці дня гості можуть пообідати

в одному з ресторанів готелю, і вони можуть спробувати багато смачних страв

бразильські страви. після обіду гості матимуть можливість випити кави

у кафе-вершині з дерева та спостерігайте за дикою природою. гості можуть посидіти на вулиці, але

вони повинні стежити за грайливими мавпами. вони люблять їсти

готельне харчування теж! персонал готелю ariau towers бажає, щоб гості почували себе добре

і має дивовижний досвід. досвідчений персонал, який говорить багато

різні мови також навчають гостей про важливість

навколишнього середовища та дикої природи. гості готелю ariau чудово провести час. вони можуть

також дізнатися щось, якщо вони хочуть, теж!

1. differential i) mechanism used to turn the wheels at different speeds 2. steering wheel b) wheel used to turn the direction of the car 3. clutch g) mechanism used to engage or disengage the engine with gearbox 4. rear axle h) mechanism used to carry the greater portion of the car weight 5. steering system f) mechanism used to guide the car 6. speedometer d) instrument used to measure the speed of the car 7. brakes e) mechanism that slows or stops the car 8. gearbox a) mechanism used to increase or decrease 9. cardan shaft c) mechanism used to transmit power to the back axle
2. carrying out  2 the selection process thoroughly will help you hire the right people. 3. 8 advertising in newspapers, trade journals, and magazines is a means to secure new applicants. 4. management must often be concerned with high 1. quality of the goods produced. 5. steel-making firms must buy iron ore and coal to produce steel, which is then sold to auto manufacturers. for them, steel becomes 6 raw materials. 6. to succeed in his business, an entrepreneur must create good  4 relationships with his employees. 7. 3 benefits represent monetary payments over and above wage. 8. a manager should check out 5 the local infrastructure carefully before picking a site.1. our  5 competitor has become the price leader in selling computer programmes. 2. often marketing is called 8 distribution. 3. if you want to produce something new you should start with 2 market research . 4. accounting records provide  6 current data for stockholders, independent analysts. 5. the 1 currency of germany is the euro. 6. if the government increases 4 income tax, many companies will go bankrupt. 7. 7 advertising influences the desire of a customer to buy. 8. banks receive 3 a dividend on stock.

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Зделайте переказ на укр.мове ariau towers hotel. what’s a holiday in the amazon rainforest like? well, come to ariau towers hotel in brazil and find out! the hotel is next to the beautiful rio negro, or “black river”, and it is 60km from manaus, the largest city in theamazon. but it’s not the location that makes the hotel unique. the hotel is 10-20 metres above the rainforest floor. that’s right, it’s a hotel in the trees! the hotel has got eight large wooden towers with rooms for guests and many small tree houses. eight kilometres of bridges join the different areas of the hotel. so, when guests at ariau want breakfast, they don’t go downstairs.they have to leave their rooms and walk along small wooden bridges to the ariau restaurant! so, what can you do high up in the trees in the amazon rainforest? well, like any normal hotel, ariau has got big swimming pools, an internet café and shops. and simply walking around the hotel is like being in a huge zoo! you can watch the colourful parrots and monkeys in the trees of the rainforest. then there are extraordinary activities for guests to try. guests can swim with dolphins, take aboat ride to see alligators or go on a rainforest tour and learn which plants they can use as medicine. at the end of the day, guests can have dinner in one of the hotel’s restaurants and they can try lots of delicious brazilian meals. after dinner is a good time for guests to have a coffee in a tree-top café and watch the wildlife. guests can sit outside, but they have to watch out for the playful monkeys. they like to eat the hotel food too! at ariau towers, the staff want guests to feel welcome and have an amazing experience. experienced staff that speak many different languages also teach guests about the importance of the environment and wildlife. guests at ariau have a great time. they can also learn something if they want, too!
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