
Прочитать текст, буквами. adults lie constantly to kids. i'm not saying we should stop, but i think we should at least examine which lies we tell and why. but, what motivates people to lie? i believe many peoples lies are simply for the purpose of maintaining social contacts by avoiding insults or discord. small lies that avoid conflict are probably the most common sort of avoiding conflict is a top motivator for deception. for example: someone lying about traffic holding them up, rather than sleeping or a "no, you look great in those pants" -- both sorts of lies achieve the effect of avoiding social conflict. they are "make life easier" kinds of lies.

Английский язык



adults lie constantly to kids. i'm not saying we should stop, but i think we should at least examine which lies we tell and why. but, what motivates people to lie? i believe many peoples lies are simply for the purpose of maintaining social contacts by avoiding insults or discord. small lies that avoid conflict are probably the most common sort of avoiding conflict is a top motivator for deception. for example: someone lying about traffic holding them up, rather than sleeping or a "no, you look great in those pants" -- both sorts of lies achieve the effect of avoiding social conflict. they are "make life easier" kinds of lies.



взрослые постоянно ь детям. я не говорю, что мы должны остановиться, но я думаю, что мы должны по крайней мере изучить лежащий мы говорим и почему. но то, что заставляет людей лгать? я думаю, многие народы ложью просто с целью поддержания социальных контактов, избегая оскорблений или розни. малая ложь, что избежать конфликта, вероятно, наиболее распространенный вид лжи и избежать конфликтов является одним из главных фактором мотивации для обмана. например: кто-то лежал о трафике проведения их, вместо того, чтобы спать в .. или "нет, вы великолепно выглядите в этих штанах" - оба вида лжи добиться эффекта избежать социальных конфликтов. они «облегчить жизнь» вида лжи.

Winter holidays we all love winter holidays. there are so many interesting things to do! you can take a break from school and homework, sleep late and watch your favorite cartoons. the weather often delights us with snow on winter holidays. this is a great opportunity to spend time with my friends. we play snowballs and sculpt big snow forts. also we like sledding and skiing. this year the real skating rink was opened in the nearby park. my parents and i will certainly go there. i don’t know how to skate, but i will learn. and what is winter vacation without holidays? they are so many holidays these days. this is the st. nicholas day and christmas and the new year. winter holidays are the time of fun, sweets and gifts. every year i look forward to winter holidays, because it is the most wonderful time of the year! все мы любим зимние каникулы. ведь можно сделать столько всего интересного! можно немного отдохнуть от школы и , поспать допоздна и посмотреть любимые мультфильмы. на зимних каникулах погода часто радует нас снегом. это отличный повод провести время с друзьями. ми играем в снежки и лепим целые снежные крепости. ещё мы любим кататься на санках и лыжах. а в этом году в соседнем парке открылся настоящий каток. мы с родителями обязательно туда сходим. я не умею кататься на коньках, но я научусь. а какие зимние каникулы без праздников? их в эти дни много. это и день святого николая, и новый год и рождество. зимние каникулы - это время веселья, сладостей и подарков. каждый год я с нетерпением жду зимних каникул, потому что это самое прекрасное время года!

ответ:I hate action films because of cruelty and violence. I feel sad when the people on the screen hit each other. Violence is not my cup of tea. I think that books and films can teach us to be kind and compassionate. I want everybody to live in peace and harmony. It seems to me films you watch may tell everybody about you and your feelings. My favourite film is "White Bim Black Ear" by  Gabriel Topolsky that teaches us kindness and mercy, faithfulness and loyalty. A big city. One single man and a faithful dog live in the same apartment. They are very attached to each other. But the sick owner of the dog was taken to hospital. He manages to say to Bim only one word "Wait!" And the dog understands him and he is waiting for his friend.

Unfortunately, there are quite a lot of evil and unpleasant people, and Bim has to meet them in the image of the woman who hates dogs, the angry and cruel collector of dogs' collars, the hunter from a small village.. 

But fortunately, there are much more kind and responsive people in this world, and they help the poor dog. They take an active part in the fates of  Bim and its owner. The story teaches us to be faithful friends, it shows us that hatred and betrayal  are the lowest traits. 

The little boy, faced with cruelty adults, rebels against them, he told the most important words calling us to goodness and mercy, compassion and empathy.  

I like these films.

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Прочитать текст, буквами. adults lie constantly to kids. i'm not saying we should stop, but i think we should at least examine which lies we tell and why. but, what motivates people to lie? i believe many peoples lies are simply for the purpose of maintaining social contacts by avoiding insults or discord. small lies that avoid conflict are probably the most common sort of avoiding conflict is a top motivator for deception. for example: someone lying about traffic holding them up, rather than sleeping or a "no, you look great in those pants" -- both sorts of lies achieve the effect of avoiding social conflict. they are "make life easier" kinds of lies.
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