
Form 8 Lesson 2, ex.2bgoing to ask him questionsabout money -ha-ha-ha!name.borrow money.Hello, everyone. Here in the studio with us is very promising young actor BillyBanks. As you know he stars in recent Hollywood production “Money Talks”. I'mHi, everyone. I guess you've chosen me to talk about money because of myNot only because of your name. I've known you for five years and I understandyou're a very rich man now. But in the film your character borrows money fromeveryone to make his dreams come true. Have you ever borrowed money fromNo. I haven't. I've always been careful with my money. You know, in 'HamletShakespeare wrote: 'Neither a lender, nor a borrower be'. I try neither to lend nor to.someone?How much money do you earn?Enough to live a comfortable life.Do you try to save money or do you usually spend it as soon as you get it?I've been saving money fora flat in London but I can't afford to buy a good flatyet. Though. I've already saved quite a lot - actually 80% of the money I need.Have you ever lent money to someone who didn't pay you back?Oh, lots of times. When I became famous, I found out that I had many friendswho wanted to borrow money from me. They've disappeared somewhere now. I'vebeen trying to get my money back, but - no luck.We've chosen you for this interview because you're famous for spending yourmoney wisely - not on expensive cars or parties. You're also known as a person whospends a lot on charity. How long have you been doing this?I've been doing some work for charity since my drama school years. I've beenhelping the poor children of Haiti for the last few years. And I'm proud to say thatwe've already helped many children there. And if you want to help, you can visit mysite on the Internet, the address is ... Перевод​




Основная теорема алгебры. Уравнение n-го степеня имеет n корней. Иными словами: каков старший степень - столько и корней (действительные и комплексные)

Решим к примеру x^7=x+6 уравнение в действительных корнях.

Рассмотрим функцию y=x^7. Эта функция является возрастающей на всей числовой прямой.

Также рассмотрим правую часть уравнения: функцию y=x+6. Графиком линейной функции является прямой, проходящей через точки (0;6), (-6;0).

графики пересекаются в одной точке, следовательно, уравнение имеет один действительный корень и 6 комплексно-сопряженные корни.

Возьмем теперь к примеру уравнение ax^2+bx+c=0,~~ a\ne0


Если D>0, то квадратное уравнение имеет два ДЕЙСТВИТЕЛЬНЫХ корня.

Если D=0, то квадратное уравнение имеет два равные корни.

Если D<0, то квадратное уравнение действительных корня не имеет, но имеет два комплексно сопряженных корня.

Как узнать, сколько корней имеет уравнение? к примеру x^7=x+6

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Form 8 Lesson 2, ex.2bgoing to ask him questionsabout money -ha-ha-ha!name.borrow money.Hello, everyone. Here in the studio with us is very promising young actor BillyBanks. As you know he stars in recent Hollywood production “Money Talks”. I'mHi, everyone. I guess you've chosen me to talk about money because of myNot only because of your name. I've known you for five years and I understandyou're a very rich man now. But in the film your character borrows money fromeveryone to make his dreams come true. Have you ever borrowed money fromNo. I haven't. I've always been careful with my money. You know, in 'HamletShakespeare wrote: 'Neither a lender, nor a borrower be'. I try neither to lend nor to.someone?How much money do you earn?Enough to live a comfortable life.Do you try to save money or do you usually spend it as soon as you get it?I've been saving money fora flat in London but I can't afford to buy a good flatyet. Though. I've already saved quite a lot - actually 80% of the money I need.Have you ever lent money to someone who didn't pay you back?Oh, lots of times. When I became famous, I found out that I had many friendswho wanted to borrow money from me. They've disappeared somewhere now. I'vebeen trying to get my money back, but - no luck.We've chosen you for this interview because you're famous for spending yourmoney wisely - not on expensive cars or parties. You're also known as a person whospends a lot on charity. How long have you been doing this?I've been doing some work for charity since my drama school years. I've beenhelping the poor children of Haiti for the last few years. And I'm proud to say thatwe've already helped many children there. And if you want to help, you can visit mysite on the Internet, the address is ... Перевод​
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