I believe that our deserved history, the memory of our nice ancestors will help us to overcome the difficulties of the coming time. History is a witness of that: in difficult times our people always united and converted its misfortunes into its victories. In former times our ancestors said that the strength of the people is in its unity. I think that our people will always follow the will of our ancestors and will always be strong and united. We will never forget our language, our culture and our traditions. On the contrary we will develop them and in 2050 all the people will beautifully speak the Kazakh language and our culture and traditions will be deeply involved in our future generation. I know that in 2050 Kazakhstan will be a strong and a successful country. As our President said in his message: “I am firmly sure that Kazakh people by 2050 will be the society of educated, free people speaking three languages. They are the citizens of the world. They travel around the world. They are open to new knowledge. They are hardworking. They are patriots of their country. There will be a government with strong economy, where everything is done for our people: the best education, the best medical service. Where piece and calm reign. Where the citizens are free and equal. I believe that we are moving by the right course and nothing can bring us down from the right way. If we are strong we will be reckoned. If we hope on miracles or rely on the others we will lose the achieved”. There is no doubt that Kazakhstan of the XXI century is independent and free. The changes taking place in the world under the long and global crisis do not frighten us. We are ready to them. Now our task is to continue stable developing in XXI century, keeping all we achieved during the time of the sovereignty. Our main aim is by 2050 to create the society of prosperity on the base of the strong government, developed economy and the possibilities of the general labour. The strong government is especially important for providing the conditions of the rapid economical growth. Today we all are proud of our achievements. The World crisis confirmed that we became a State and a society. Our boundaries, political system, economical model are not any more the object of serious disagreements and discussions neither in the country nor out of it.
Our President touched ten global challenges of the XXI century in his message. They are: speeding-up of the historical time, global demographical disbalance, threat of global food-producing safety, urgent deficit of water, global energetical safety, exhaustance of the nature resources, the third industrial revolution, growing social instability, the crisis of values of our civilization, the treat of new world unstabilisation. I am sure that all those challenges will be fulfilled by the 2050. In the last 20 years our Kazakhstan accomplished modernization in all spheres of the society’s life in very high temp. And in this short time was done so much that other countries took 100 years. Nowadays we live in the time of new technologies. In 2050 the technologies will be more developed and they will change not only the environment but also the people. Even today everything is developing in all spheres of life. Some people are rich and successful, they run their businesses or make a good career but some people can’t find a good job. The good thing is that our country doesn’t have the unemployment problem. But I hope that by 2050 the social stability in our country will be strengthened. And we will keep in touch with other nations and will become the bridge for the interactivity between the East and West. Global economical system can give a serious reduction even in 2013-2014; call a crumbling of world prices for raw materials. It is undesirable for us. It means that the crisis of 2009 can continue. I believe that it is not touched our strong country. I am always proud of my country. I am a schoolgirl and I know that we have all the opportunities to get the best education. Our President said in his message: “I rely on you – new generation of Kazakhstan. You must become the mover of the new course. Our Government does everything to open before us new opportunities that our parents couldn’t even think of them. In conclusion, I would like to say we are young people of Kazakhstan and we are responsible for realization of new strategically course “Kazakhstan-2050”. We must study well and use new technologies in order to be useful for the next generation. We will always remember that our success is the success of our parents, relatives, families, our countrymen and of our Motherland.
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Переведите we had an enormous apple tree in our garden only a few yards from the kitchen window. "we really must cut that tree down, " my husband said, soon after we moved into the house. "i'm sure it's dangerous." "don't be silly, " i said. i quite liked the tree myself. "it's quite safe. it isn't going to fall down on the house! " "well, i read something in the paper only the other day, " he said. "a tree crashed into a woman's bedroom during a storm. she was going to get rid of the tree and now she's in hospital! " in the end, after several arguments of this kind, we asked a couple of workmen to come along and cut the tree down. it was not an easy job. in fact, it took them all morning. but at last the tree was lying on the ground. "what about the roots? " the men asked. "shall we take them out too or leave them? '! "oh, take them out, " i said. "let's make a good job of it! " this took all afternoon and i was beginning to think about the size of the bill! there was also a big hole in the garden! "you'll be able to put all your old rubbish in there! " the men said as they left. my husband climbed down into the hole and began to look around. "hey, look! " he called up to me. "there are some old coins here! and think they're gold! " i climbed down into the hole and we started to dig around, hoping to find some more coins. we did - and we also found a small metal box. we broke it open. it was full of jewellery - rings, necklaces, and bracelets! "gosh! " i said, "i suppose someone hid these things in the ground - perhaps during a war! " "they're probably worth a small fortune! " my husband said. "well, aren't you glad now that you got rid of that old tree? "
"Нам надо спилить это дерево", - сказал мой муж вскоре после того, как мы въехали в дом. - "Я уверен, что оно небезопасно".
"Не будь глупым", - ответила я. Мне лично дерево нравилось. - "Оно вполне безопасно, и вовсе не собирается падать на дом!"
"Знаешь, я на днях читал в газете", - сказал он. - "Дерево упало и разрушило спальню одной женщины во время шторма. Она собиралась избавиться от дерева, а теперь она в больнице!"
В конце концов, после нескольких аргументов такого рода, мы попросили несколько рабочих прийти и срубить дерево. Это оказалось нелегким делом, и заняло у них всё утро. Но в конце концов, дерево лежит на земле.
"Что делать с корнями?" - спросили рабочие. - "Удалить их или оставить как есть?"
"О, извлеките их", - ответила я.
"Окей, ребята, давайте займёмся этой работёнкой!"
Им пришлось трудиться весь остаток дня, и я уже начала беспокоиться о размере счета.
Кроме того, осталась огромная яма в саду.
"Вы сможете выбросить туда весь ненужный хлам!" - уезжая, посоветовали мне эти люди.
Мой муж спустился в яму и начал озираться.
"Эй, гляди-ка!" - позвал он меня. - "Здесь какие-то старинные монеты! Думаю, что они золотые!"
Я спустилась в яму, и мы начали копать вокруг, надеясь найти ещё монеты. Нам удалось найти ещё монееты, а также мы нашли небольшой металлический ящик. Мы вскрыли его... Он был полон драгоценностей - кольца, ожерелья, браслеты!
"Наверное, кто-то спрятал всё это в землю, возможно, во время войны" - предположила я.
"Черт возьми! Они, наверное, стоят целое состояние", - сказал мой муж. - "Ну, разве ты не рада теперь, что мы избавились от этой старого дерева?"