
My name is fran and i'm ten years old. my best friend is susan and she's twelve years old. susan is very smart and can do a lot of things. susan can play the guitar and the piano. she is very good at sport. she can swim very well and she can sail a boat. i can't swim very well and i can't sail a boat. susan cooks lunch for herself and her little brother every day. i can't cook because my mum says i'm too young. there is one thing that susan and i can't do. we can't drive a car! 1) who is ten years old, susan or fran? 2) how old is fran's best friend? 3) what can susan play? 4) what sport can't fran do? 5) who cooks lunch every day? 6) what can't susan and fran do?

Английский язык


1)Fran is ten years old
2)she is twelve years old
3)she can play the guitar and the piano. she can swim and sail a boat
4)he can't sail a boat
5)susan cooks lunch every day
6)they can't drive a car
1)Fran was ten years old
2)His best friend of 12 years old
3)Susan can play the guitar and the piano
4)Fran cant swim very well and I can't sail a boat.
5)Susan cooks lunch for herself and her little brother every day
6)Fran and Susan can't drive a car!
Природа - це велике надбання всіх народів світу! адже саме природа годує, поїть і навіть одягає людини, забезпечує його житлом, а різні рудники, нафта, тобто вичерпні ресурси максимально спрощують життя людині. але природні багатства небезмежні, на те вони і ісщерпаемие. люди не цінують природу, порушують екосистему, вирубують ліси, тим самим благопрепятствуя руйнування озонового шару землі, а значить, знищуючи себе. з кожним новим поколінням ставлення до природи все більш зневажливе. звалища, радіоактивні елементи, скидали прямо в моря й океани, знищення різних видів тварин і рослин, занесених до червоної книги - все це далеко не повний список "досягнень людини", спрямованих на отримання максимального прибутку, вигоди з ресурсів матінки-землі. на даний момент можна з упевненістю стверджувати, що людина - паразит на тілі планети. і рано чи пізно природа відшукає спосіб викласти нам урок, і це вже почалося - невідомі хвороби, кліматичні та техногенні катастрофи виникають аж ніяк не безпричинно.
Александр Джабраиловна1967
Iwant to tell about your favorite athlete, who is my idol in the sport. sergey bubka, born in lugansk. from his youthful years he loved sports, preference is given to athletics. motto in life chose words: strength, speed, technique. acquaintance with the famous coach of the century petrov turned the life of a young athlete. it is petrov managed to instill in him the desire to win. for the first time in the history of the athletics world championships in helsinki (1983) 19-year-old sergei was awarded the first gold medal. a year later, in bratislava, not only confirms that he's a champion, but also sets a world record, having a height of

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My name is fran and i'm ten years old. my best friend is susan and she's twelve years old. susan is very smart and can do a lot of things. susan can play the guitar and the piano. she is very good at sport. she can swim very well and she can sail a boat. i can't swim very well and i can't sail a boat. susan cooks lunch for herself and her little brother every day. i can't cook because my mum says i'm too young. there is one thing that susan and i can't do. we can't drive a car! 1) who is ten years old, susan or fran? 2) how old is fran's best friend? 3) what can susan play? 4) what sport can't fran do? 5) who cooks lunch every day? 6) what can't susan and fran do?
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