
Form 6 WritingTask 1 Read and complete sentences using words from the box, two words are odd.schoolsciencegymstudentsliteratureswimmingPEMy name's Adam and I'm at Priory School in Manchester. This is a smallthere are only two hundred 2here. It's school for boys, so there aren't any girls. Thereare twenty or thirty teachers at the school and there are a lot of different rooms.I'm interested in sport and there is a big ?for our PE classes - that's importantfor me! There are also two excellent PE teachers, Mr Bailey and Mr Stratton, but there isn't aswimming pool here at Priory School we go to the city centre for 4classes.I loveand we have got a big new science laboratory. I like ICT too, butcomputers are very old!​

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ответ: 1.school , 2.students , 3.gym , 4.swimming , 5.science

Объяснение : лишние PE and literature

Ответ Не было «обвальной» приватизации как в других странах СНГ. Она проводилась под полным контролем государства и с целью внедрения в производство эффективных методов управления предприятиями. Сохранялась социальная защита работников.
Ответ Изначально была сделана ставка не на поддержание мелкого и среднего бизнеса, а на сохранение и модернизацию крупных предприятий, сохранившихся со времен СССР. Важное значение имело государственное финансирование крупных промышленных предприятий и колхозов. Благодаря усилиям власти удалось предотвратить «обвальную» приватизацию, что происходило в других странах СНГ. В Беларуси приватизация проводилась с целью внедрения в производство эффективных методов управления предприятиями. Частный сектор экономики был подчинен государственным интересам. На начало 2001 г. в Беларуси было зарегистрировано более 60 тыс. предприятий с негосударственной формой собственности и 200 тыс. индивидуальных предпринимателей. Предприятия с негосударственной собственностью в этот период выпускали около 40 % промышленной продукции.
ответ:Sofia and I have a great deal of time before I go to bed and breakfast is served with the gym and I have a great deal of time before I go to bed and breakfast is served with the gym and I have a great deal of time before I go to bed and breakfast is served served with the gym and I have a great deal of time before I go go to bed and breakfast is served with the gym and I have a great deal of time before I go to to bed and breakfast is served with the gym and I have a great deal of time before I go to bed and breakfast is served with the gym and I have a great deal of time before I go to bed and the gym and I have a great deal of. рассказ...

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Form 6 WritingTask 1 Read and complete sentences using words from the box, two words are odd.schoolsciencegymstudentsliteratureswimmingPEMy name's Adam and I'm at Priory School in Manchester. This is a smallthere are only two hundred 2here. It's school for boys, so there aren't any girls. Thereare twenty or thirty teachers at the school and there are a lot of different rooms.I'm interested in sport and there is a big ?for our PE classes - that's importantfor me! There are also two excellent PE teachers, Mr Bailey and Mr Stratton, but there isn't aswimming pool here at Priory School we go to the city centre for 4classes.I loveand we have got a big new science laboratory. I like ICT too, butcomputers are very old!​
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