Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
В цехе работает 4 бригады, которые в течение месяца собирают 40 ед. оборудования. В целях увеличения объемов производства нанята 5-я бригада, в результате чего объем производства увеличился и составляет 45 ед. оборудования. В каждую бригаду входит 4 человека. Определите показатели среднего и предельного дохода до и после приема 5-ой бригады.
PlEASE let me know if you want to bed and breakfast is served with the gym and I have a great deal of time before I go to bed and breakfast is served with the gym and I have a great deal of time before I go to bed and breakfast is served with the the gym and I have a great deal of time before I go to bed and breakfast is served with the gym and I have a great deal of time before I go to bed and breakfast is served with the gym and I have a great deal of time before I go to bed and breakfast is served with the gym and I have a great deal of time before I go to bed and breakfast is served with the gym and I have have a great deal of time before I go to bed and breakfast is served with the gym and I have a great deal of time before I go to bed and breakfast is served with the gym and I have a great deal of time before I go to bed and breakfast is served with the ну правильно