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Сократите эту программу : ну там мб действия нахождения максимума одной процедурой хз крч program zelda; uses crt; const z=100; varu1, u2, u3: array[1..z]of integer; i, max1, max2, max3: integer; procedure ch1; var n, i, max1, max2, max3: integer; beginn: =7; for i: =1 to n dou1[i]: =random(100); for i: =1 to n dowriteln('элементы массива: ', u1[i]); max1: =u1[i]; max2: =u1[i]; max3: =u1[i]; for i: =1 to n doif u1[i]> max1 then beginmax1: =u1[i]; end; for i: =1 to n doif (u1[i]> max2) and (u1[i]< > max1) then beginmax2: =u1[i]; end; for i: =1 to n doif (u1[i]> max3) and (u1[i]< > max1) and (u1[i]< > max2) then beginmax3: =u1[i]; end; writeln('max1: ', max1, ' max2: ', max2, ' max3: ', max3); end; procedure ch2; var n, i, ind, max1, max2, max3: integer; beginn: =13; for i: =1 to n dou2[i]: =random(100); for i: =1 to n dowriteln('элементы массива: ', u2[i]); ind: =0; max1: =u2[i]; max2: =u2[i]; max3: =u2[i]; for i: =1 to n doif u2[i]> max1 then beginmax1: =u2[i]; end; for i: =1 to n doif (u2[i]> max2) and (u2[i]< > max1) then beginmax2: =u2[i]; end; for i: =1 to n doif (u2[i]> max3) and (u2[i]< > max1) and (u2[i]< > max2) then beginmax3: =u2[i]; end; writeln('max1: ', max1, ' max2: ', max2, ' max3: ', max3); end; procedure ch3; var n, i, max1, max2, max3: integer; beginn: =17; for i: =1 to n dou3[i]: =random(100); for i: =1 to n dowriteln('элементы массива: ', u3[i]); max1: =u3[i]; max2: =u3[i]; max3: =u3[i]; for i: =1 to n doif u3[i]> max1 then beginmax1: =u3[i]; end; for i: =1 to n doif (u3[i]> max2) and (u3[i]< > max1) then beginmax2: =u3[i]; end; for i: =1 to n doif (u3[i]> max3) and (u3[i]< > max1) and (u3[i]< > max2) then beginmax3: =u3[i]; end; writeln('max1: ', max1, ' max2: ', max2, ' max3: ', max3); end; beginch1; ch2; ch3; end.