5. Look at me and listen. - Смотри на меня и слушай.
6. Nice to meet you! - Рад знакомству ( очень приятно ).
Удачи получить отличную оценку.Рада
Зараз зима і часто холодно. Я дійсно не можу на холоді. Так колись я раптово захворів.Я мав температуру,головний біль і кашель. Все моє тіло боліло. Моя мама зробила мені гарячий лимонад, але це мені дуже не до Вона хотіла дати мені аспірин , але його не було в нас в дома. Моя мати сказала мені, щоб я залишився в ліжку і викликала лікаря. Лікар прийшов, зняв пальто і надів білий халат
Доктор попросив мене роздягнутися до пояса. Він оглянув мої легені і горло, поміряв мій пульс і температуру, виміряв артеріальний тиск. Нарешті, він сказав, що це був легкий випадок грипу і сказав мені, щоб залишитися в ліжку і мати повний відпочинок. Він написав рецепт для деяких полоскань та ліки від кашлю. Він також дав мені кілька таблеток, сульфаніламідні, лист для рентгену та аналіз крові. Він рекомендував застосовувати скляні бутлі та гірчичники. Я дотримувався всіх інструкцій лікаря і дуже скоро я відчув себе набагато краще. Я повністю відновився протягом десяти днів і відновив навчання.
It is winter now and it is often cold. I really can't stand the cold. So sometime ago I suddenly fell ill. I had a high temperature, a running nose and a sore throat. I also had a splitting headache and a cough. My whole body was aching. My mother fixed me a hot lemonade but that didn't help me much. She wanted to give me some aspirin too, but there wasn't any at home. My mother told me to stay in bed and called a doctor. The doctor came, took off his coat and put on his white gown. The doctor asked me to strip to the waist. He examined my lungs and throat, took my pulse and temperature, measured my blood pressure. Finally he said that it was a light case of flu and told me to stay in bed and have complete rest. He wrote a prescription for some gargle and cough medicine. He also gave me some sulfa pills, a slip for X-Ray and blood examination. He recommended to apply glass-cups and mustard plasters. I followed all the doctor's instructions and very soon I felt much better. I fully recovered in ten days and resumed my studies.
1 Angela told John to be ready because at 5 o`clock they would be at business centre. 2. I asked classmates where Tom had gone. 3. John told our guide he was sorry,he was late. He added he had lost his way. 4. Gerry asked Mike if he could lend him some money. 5. The secretary told boss there was no paper in the box. 6. Mike said he was living in London then. 7. Mila asked her husband why that machine didn’t work. 8. Ken told dad not to sell the car. 9. Andrew told the patient to stay in bed for a few days. 10. Marry said she had gone to London with her sister the previous week. 11 .My friend said he had watched a lot of soap operas. 12. He asked me if Tom would be there the next Wednesday. 13. My mother asked me if I had cleaned the room the day before. 14. Her teacher said he was not going to ask me then. 15. The teacher asked me how the accident had happened. 16. My cousin told his teacher they were not interested in politics. 17. Henry asked me what I would tell the police the following day. 18. Tom said New York was more lovely than London. 19. She asked Fiona if she was kidding with them. 20. She wrote me in a message to put up at that hotel.
1. How old are you? - Сколько тебе лет?
2. Look at my family. - Посмотри на мою семью.
3. She is five years old. - Ей 5 лет.
4. They can hear you
. - Они могут слышать тебя.
5. Look at me and listen. - Смотри на меня и слушай.
6. Nice to meet you! - Рад знакомству ( очень приятно ).